- Date: Wednesday July 17, 2019
- Time: From 7:00 pm To 9:00 pm
- Location: Lake Hills Library
- Address: 1111 110th Ave NE, Bellevue, Washington 98004
- Facebook Page: 1111 110th Ave NE, Bellevue, Washington 98004
This is talk following by a Q&A
Moderated by Seattle SUTA (Sharif University of Technology Association)
Speaker: Dr Mohammad Rastegari
Mohammad Rastegari is co-founder and CTO at Xnor.ai and research scientist at Allen Institute for AI (AI2). His main area of research and expertise relies on the efficient methods for machine learning and computer vision. Previously, he was a research scholar at UC Berkeley and a Facebook fellow in the artificial intelligent team (FAIR). He received his PhD from University of Maryland. Mohammad worked in several research industries including Facebook AI Research, Microsoft Research, Adobe Research and Disney Research.