Dear Listeners,

If you are interested in making programs for Radio Iranshahr, please follow these instructions:

1) Prepare a Persian audio file in MP3 format on a subject of your interest.

Note 1: There is no restriction on the subject except political and religious subjects that you must stay away from. It has been part of our original pledge to keep Radio Iranshahr a non-political and non-religious podcast.

Note 2: We prefer to keep programs less than 10 minutes long. If you need more time for your program, you can make it in multiple parts.

Note 3: Choose an audio recording software. Two recommended software programs are Audacity and Adobe Audition where the former is simpler and free but has less features than the latter.

2) Find/create a JPG/PNG image for your program to be included on radio’s website. The preferred size for the image is 1200 x 800 pixels.

3) Prepare a few websites that could serve as references for your program.

4) Write a brief abstract of your program in Persian.

5) Email us your program’s MP3 file, JPG image, Persian abstract and Persian and English titles to

After reviewing your program and making sure its content and quality meet our requirements, we will schedule it to be included in one of our future programs.

We look forward to listening to your programs.

Radio Iranshahr