Docunight Flax to Fire

This event is in room PAA A118, Physics and Astronomy Auditorium, University of Washington.
Flax to Fire
Directed by: Bahram Azimpour
2017 / 52 mins
Persian with English Subtitles

Flax to Fire depicts the life and work of Aliasghar Hajibaba, an elite Iranian industrialist and entrepreneur. Originally trained as a quiltmaker in his youth, he manages to start an independent business in the midst of a tumultuous life. With the help of his family, he successfully pursues his endeavors to the point that he eventually becomes known as a founder of Iran’s iron alloys and foundry industry. This film bears witness to Hajibaba’s incessant work ethic throughout his long life. He and his associates also discuss the political struggles, economic problems and social barriers of their times.

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